






公開 メンバー数:84人





  • from: Marsyさん

    2006年10月30日 06時52分33秒



    Hello everyone-!
    My favorite movie....I really don't have a specific genre in movie. I like animation films, art films, music films etc. Oh, I once got into Woody Allen film so much. I like his films, especially the old ones. I admire Akira Kurosawa film dearly. My favorite American actor is Steve Buscemi.


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  • from: Karlさん

    2006年10月26日 06時12分19秒


    Good Morning

    Good morning every body!

    Here south Ibaraki, it was chilly in the morning today. How about your place?

    I used be saw many movies especialy commedy and action. I like Police Acadimy series and Air Port Series.

    Also, I implessed some movies which Liza Minele acting.

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  • from: puppychanさん

    2006年10月24日 17時25分00秒



    Hello ! Marcy , Karland everybody.
    Well, I like pop music. I like Madonna, Hikaru utada, etc.
    I like love commedy movies. I like Megu Lian.

    How about you?

    I hope to hear from you.


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  • from: Marsyさん

    2006年10月23日 13時52分29秒


    More new friends-!

    Hello everyone-!

    Hello puppychan, very nice to have you in our circle! So you teach English, Japanese, and math for kids? That's awesome! People here sometimes ask me to teach them Japanese, but then I realize that I really don't know "how" to teach them in Japanese, it's different from speaking in Japanese.
    Tomson is still missing, Karl. I really hope that he alives ok. There are quite a few cats, either straied or not straied, around my apartment here, so I'm kindda hoping that someday I can find Tomson if I keep checking those outdoor-cats.

    Take care and have a great new week.

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  • from: Karlさん

    2006年10月23日 06時30分36秒


    Hello everybody.

    Hello everybody.
    Hello puppychan. On behalf of Joe, -I never talked with him- I’ll say welcome to this circle.

    I’m old engineer. And have two child, one is in graduate school, and one is now challenging university. Therefore, until next spring, I can not bring my family anywhere.
    Good, you like music. Other two ladies are good at music. You can chat about music. By the way, what field of movies do you like, puppychan?

    Marsy, hoping that Tomson can fined out soon. If it was Tx, may be Tomas knew where is his home, but just moved new place, I hope Tomson remember new home.

    Hi Keiko, I envy your are surrounded by many people who supporting you. Hoping your first stage will success.

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  • from: puppychanさん

    2006年10月22日 15時22分53秒


    Nice to meet you

    Hello! I'm Junko. I'm a housewife and have 2 kids. I teach English, Japanese and math for kids. I like English and children.
    Well, I like listening to music and seeing movies. Please keep in touch me.

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  • from: Marsyさん

    2006年10月22日 03時58分23秒



    Hello Keiko-
    Yes, Duke Ellington is one of the great jazz pianists, but to me, when I think of Duke Ellington, his orchestra and their recordings always come across my mind first. Shibuya Takeshi...I haven't really heard his CDs particularly before, hope I can check it out sometime. What musics do you like besides piano jazz?

    Karl, one of my 2 cats, a black cat named Tomson, ran away 4 nights ago while walking him on a leash at night. Oh, Fall weather and male cats, how could I stop them running away from home!? Today, I put flyer on a board in my apartment, hoping that someone will call me if Tomson were seen....Sigh.

    Take care guys,

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  • from: Keikoさん

    2006年10月18日 12時27分02秒


    I like jazz piano

    Hi Everyone
    Thank you for greeting for me.

    Regarding jazz, I like jazz piano(piano jazz? which is correct?) better than the big band. Mary, you know,Ellington is also the greatest jazz pianist.I love his tune though Japanese jazz pianist Mr.Takeshi Shibuya.I'd say strongly I'm crazy about Shibuya-san's world.He likes Ellington,Monk and so on. To be honest I got his influence around 10 years ago.Now. I play Ellington tune a lot. For example, Take the A train, That's no mean the swing, Don't get around much any more etc. My most favorite tune is "Looking glass". It reminds me Shibuya-san's wonderful live, then I'm in tears naturally.
    I might be unique person but it is the grateful things I've met Shibuya-san.

    Thanks for reading.


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  • from: Karlさん

    2006年10月18日 07時34分37秒


    My vacation

    Hello Keiko, Marsy.

    Keiko, don’t worry about your English style. I don’t know which style is business like.
    You are many chance to communicate with native speaker I suppose. For me, I never had chance to communicate with native speaker but had many chance to talk with Asian people.
    Once one HongKong person visited to one of my colleague who lived in U.S. several years and understand English. He called me and said “I don’t understand what HongKong people said.”. Then I interpreted their conversation.

    Marsy, yes, this year, I could not go anywhere because of my daughter’s examination even taking vacation.
    However, yesterday, I bring my wife to one of English garden. I’m not so interesting garden, but my wife always complain that I never bring her anywhere. English garden is just so, so. I find some hint for my garden. (I’m not interesting flowers and trees but interesting with structure)
    On the way back to home, we just drop “Sano Yakuyoke Taishi” and “Hitokotonushi Jinja”. May be no benefit because we visit two places.

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  • from: Marsyさん

    2006年10月16日 13時45分10秒


    Hello Circle-!

    Hello everyone, and a welcome hug to our new friend Keiko:-) You sound like an unique person, Keiko. You play jazz piano. I love jazz music. I teach piano at Yamaha music school in Arizona, but I also compose music and arrenge music for work. You say you like Duke Ellington...you must love big band jazz! Tell us more about your piano performance and favorite musics.

    Karl, so are you taking some time off from working as a vacation now?? It must be kind of difficult for you to actually go somewhere and do something fun for the vacation because your daughter is studying for a college entrance exam now, right? Wish you the very best for your daughter!!!

    Today, I went to a charch with other Yamaha staffs for one of our best students having a performance there. It was a black church (a charch that their congregation is mostly with black people), or better way to say an African-American church. Their church band was soooooo great, and I really enjoyed listenning/singing gospel songs with them. Gabriel, our student, he's going to Japan to perform his own composition which I helped arrenging it into Jazz Quartet in this comming November!! He performed very well, and we all were so proud of him and his co-performers who just flew from California a day before for this Sunday performance.

    Take care,

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