from: Marsyさん
2006年06月28日 22時54分54秒
Hello Everyone-!
Hi Karl and 13-!
Learning a conversational English seems hard in Japan....people usually spend lots of money and go to English school to be able to speak better. I went to NOVA for 6 months prior to my travel to the U.S., but now I think it wasn't a much help back then. I've learned so much more through my struggle in speaking English by living in America. I love our circle. It's great to be able to communicate in English with people living in Japan.
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from: 13さん
2006年06月30日 14時03分22秒
「Re:Hello Everyone-!」
Hi, Marsy, Karl, and everyone.
Yes, it's very hard to study English in Japan. I don't have English speaking friends, enough time to study....but luckily I can see CNN on TV while my 2nd boy sleeping, so I sometimes listen it as much time as I can. (I cannot watch because I have to do some things in his sleeping time.)
Karl, you are an interpreter? Wow! I wanted to be an interpreter when I was a child, but the dream was broken in junior high school days, because I was bad at English.
I went to a junior collage of foreign languages after high school, but I couldn't be a good English speaker.
As for this board information system, I don't have any information yet. And I don't know well about this...