from: Karlさん
2006年08月08日 06時41分52秒
Be carefull for drive
Hi Marsy, you will move to Az this Sunday. So at this moment, you are introducing Tx to your father.
My Obon Yasumi will be next week. I wanted to take Summer holiday and my own free vacation together and make two weeks vacation. But trouble happend at Nagahama, then I visit there on last sunday and fix the problem.
My system is now in line of factory assenbly line, so, I can fix or adjust system only Satuadays or Sundays because they are working durring week days.
Be carefull to drive to Az. Last month, my car was hit by truck and these one month, I was busy to renew the car. Even driver is carefull, some car will hit from behind.
Anyway, be carefull for driving to Az.
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from: Marsyさん
2006年08月08日 22時28分38秒
「Re:Be carefull for drive」
Hi Karl-!
Did you have a car accident? Were you ok?? I was very shocked when I read your message....hope you didn't get injured. I see lots of bad and rude drivings on a highway in TX (well, some people say it's because of TX, cowboys don't know how to drive car smart!). The speed limit for most highways here is a lot faster than the one in a Japanese highway (of course..). There are not many curves on a highway like the way there are in a Japanese highway, so people tend to speed more on highway. I will drive as safely as I can, Karl. By the way, have I mentioned that my brother will come here instead of my dad?