from: Karlさん
2006年09月28日 06時28分59秒
In my last message, I missed the contents. On the title, I wrote that Ibaraki is chilly, but not write about weather in the content. I recognized this just after I pressed “send” button.
Yesterday, my area had rain and also big thunder. Happily, I was backed to home before thunder, but one of my colleague met heavy rain. He said that rain was painful because of it’s heaviness. He is using bicycle for commuting, so, rain attacked him directly. (I also using motor cycle for commuting)
By the way, you never visit to Hokkaido, Marsy. I visited there twice. Once was for summer vacation, and once was for job. All two times, I just visit at Sapporo only. No other Hokkaido. Case of summer vacation was very sad. When I arrived at Sapporo, my friend had medical trouble, and just visit hospital at Sapporo, then return to Tokyo.
I never visit at Shikoku area, so, in the future, I want to visit there.-
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