from: Marsyさん
2006年11月01日 21時09分19秒
Hello New Friend-!
>Hello everyone and very nice to have you in our circle, あかね-san!
>So, you live in Kyushu? Wow, I'm from Kagoshima-shi! Is it already that cold in Kyushu at this time of the year? It could be.....I haven't gone back to Kagoshima for 3 years, so some things in a weather are hard to remember.
>Sorry to hear that you had such a trable in your work, Karl. You are just so busy working most of the time, it must be hard for you to find a time to check out some movies and DVDs. DaVinch Code...humm, it was kindda controversial before/after the movie came out, wasn't it? Well, it was in the U.S.. I haven't checked that one yet, hopefully I can watch it sometime soon.
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