from: 天地玄黄さん
2006年12月10日 12時42分00秒
Hi! Karl-san
Hi! Karl-san, my handle name 天地玄黄 is taken from a Chinese classic 千字文 which was edited about 2000 years ago as a text book to teach Chinese characters to their children.千字文 and 論語 were the first two books which came to Japan via Korea. 天地玄黄 means the colors of the sky is black and the earth yellow. The phrase comes at the top of the book. After my retirement two years ago, I started reading Chinese history books and classics to understand about them. Our relations to China and Korea were difficult at that time and I wanted to know more about them. As you say, many things we have now are originally from China and 漢字 may be the most important assets we received from China.
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