from: dullさん
2007年11月02日 11時36分53秒
Good for you !.
Your children surely grown up very well.
Enjoy your life with wife and a doughter.
I think it's a very good condition that your son stood on his own feet first and a douter remains under your care.
Your life must be very cheerful every day. It's a quite different from mine. Enjoy it untill your retire.
By the way, ther are two different kind of flowers are brroming now in our small garden.
One is HOTOTOGISUSOU another is TUWABUKI. I don't know how call these flowers in english, but these are good accents in the autumn garden.
Today, there is no story about dogs here. rigtht ?.
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コメント: 全1件
from: Karlさん
2007年11月03日 12時03分41秒
「Hi guys」
Hi Toshi.
Try to type some message to here, or no one recognize you, because this site has no manager.
Hi dull.
I don't know the name of floweres. I just serch by web.
Bothe floweres are quite qute are they.
Yesterday, I visit one location where are some trees there and these trees leave now turn to red. Many person were visited there.
Local people said there are few person visit here normaly, but because of the seaason there are many peoples and shi said, I've never saw these many person here before.