from: dullさん
2007年11月05日 11時51分45秒
Nice to see you , Toshi.
Hi, Karl Thank you very much for your explanation. Now I have known there are such polite people even on this kind of circle. Don't mistake me, I don't think little of this circle please. But there are so many disreputes about INTERNET.
And about the name of floweres which I mentiond befor , these ara Japanese-style floweres which are mainly planting in Japanese garden. Hototogisu is roughly purple colored about 50cm high, and Tuwabuki is a kind of FUKI (Vegitavele), having yellow flower and it's also about 50cm high.
Hi, Toshi. I hope you are still looking at this circle's leters. If so, I want to welcom you to this circle .
As Karl said ,just forget about the circle master's permission. I think we may be allowed to enjoy this circle with keeping good sense and common sense.
I am expecting your writings.
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from: Karlさん
2007年11月06日 05時46分41秒
Good morning dull.
You have many flowers in your garden, I suppose.
We have also many flowers, but we also have some fruits trees such as Orange, Kumquat, Blue berry. This year, we are expecting Kiwifruit. We have this tree for over 10 years and this year, we have first flower and got some fruits.