from: zerolixさん
2014年07月10日 22時55分31秒
Now in my faithful life.
I belong to Japan Baptist Convention.Main I take a it management in local church.I manegement Facebook&Homepage.A little difficult.
We take many method and We want to tell about evangelism.Not evangelion Anime.The world is hard.In Japan,Buddism&Japanese dogmatic country at most.How method that evangelism tell to Japanese.
Japan maybe have various possible I think.But a God have his plan.That obey and I think in my faithful life.-
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from: zerolixさん
2014年07月10日 22時32分37秒
In my faithful life...
I want to write the wonder of salvation of God Jesus Christ. If I will began to
write that,this will be very long. But I should write that. I do not know how
to write that. I hope to lead me by holy spirit. At first I want to think
writing the best wonder by myself.
I belonged to a presbyterian organization. But that was not protestant. Protestant is that there is not the alternative of Christ; Cathoric is that pape is the alternative of Christ.
Asia is like a god,if a religious
Now in japan religious
Asia tend to a human being is like a god.for example Dazaifu...
If the God's teaching was told the miss form, how did situation make?
Jewish was salvation when they stayed in Egypt. Mose led them. And they crossed the red sea. This is very famous story all over the world. This story is known by who is not known the Christianity well.
God always says this miracle. By that he show his people his salvation.
By the way,in my case what was like the miracle? This is very important. Our salvation explain by the scripture. I should say that my lord do for me. The bible says....But for me it is good to be near God;I have made the Lord God my refuge,that I may tell of all your works.(psalms73:28)
Actually when did God touch me? Of course God touch me from the first.But when he who had set me apart before I was born,[a] and who called me by his grace,(garatians1:15) And when did I go to the church at the
first time. This was 2002 years. There was world cup 2002 Japan&Korea. I
thought that,but I went to Korea for studying abroad. I was not exchange
student. I would stay in Korea for 2,3 years. But I expired that university
august 2005 for working a community...
Here there is most important. How was a community?This was Korean presbyterian church. In a book for writing presbyterian,Korean Christian is most presbyterian. The 70-80% people is presbyterian in Korean Christianity.
And how is the Christianity in Korea. This was very hard. There is many church. If you are walking in Korean town,you must see some church. Like this is many church. Where did you go Chinese dogmatic teaching. But more important thing it is! Actually how is the church teaching?
This is a pity. How far is orthdoxical teaching....Korean dogmatic teaching is
ONBYODO. There is Korean flag in this sinbol. And what is the problem? You
maybe see a picture which is many marrage couple in baseball staudum.
Why is the doing that? That is from Korean dogmatic teaching. This is very problem which Christianity and that mix. And there is more problem. presbyterian is orthdoxal church,but there is that problem. and which is more advantage Korean dogmatic teaching than presbyterian teaching. because those marrage by that method become pastor.and those become a church manager. Oh...this is a problem.
I mind more problem. That is ONMYODO. Those know that newly imtate that.particular western....American. They love new thing. So I mind these.
Because I have became a Christian, And I meet some American in japan.
They are like a Chinese musician and buddism....and They only hearing a voice of Japanese bad protestant.. They learned a protestantism and left English skill and money skill. All protestant teaching go away. Yes, I know. The attack of satan will attack the important people. Some American is from north east America. Maybe free theology inflelence them and various teaching thought. And They fall down....But I will pray them in Jesus name.
Long ago I have started to play a guitar for praising God. I had experienced playing a guitar before coming a church. Music is active in my home town. But I did not interested in playing the music. No,I did'nt.-
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